8th Meeting: Dynamic multilevel modeling with Mplus v8
8th Mplus Users Meeting
The meeting was organized on Friday 14th of July 2017 at Utrecht University. We have posted (most of) the slides of the presentations at our website. The videos we have recorded during the event are now released. Also, videos from a 2-day DSEM workshop August 17-18 at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore are now posted. New papers on DSEM will be posted here.
Mplus 8 offers the possibility to analyze intensive longitudinal data, such as obtained with ecological momentary assessments, experience method sampling, ambulatory assessments, and daily diaries, using dynamic SEM (DSEM). DSEM includes N=1 time series analysis that can be used to model the dynamics within a particular individual over time, for instance the reciprocal effects that momentary stress and rumination may have on each other. Additionally, DSEM includes multilevel extensions of time series models, such that at level 1 a time series model is used to model the within-person dynamics of a process, while at level 2 we can model individual differences in the parameters that capture these dynamics. DSEM can handle multivariate outcomes as well as latent variables, and random effects can be both predicted from but also predictors of level 2 variables.
The pre-conference workshop was taught by Bengt Muthén, Tihomir Asparouhov and Ellen Hamaker on Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM).