Dutch Mplus Users Group

Past events

7th Mplus Users Meeting

7th Mplus Users Meeting

Organized Wednesday 13th of January 2016 with a pre-conference workshop on January 12.

Pre-conference workshop by:

David Kaplan David Kaplan titled “An Introduction to Bayesian Methods for the Social Sciences“.  PDF


Speakers for the Mplus Users Meeting:

Bengt Muthén Bengt Muthén on “BSEM 2.0” (via skype), PDF
Thiomir Asparouhov Tihomir Asparouhov on “Dynamic Structural Equation Models”, PDF
Joop Hox Joop Hox on “Bayesian Multilevel Modeling”, PDF
Rens van de Schoot on “Bayesian Statistics in Psychological Research”, PDF (Full version coming soon!)
JP Fox Jean-Paul Fox on “Measurement Invariance“, PDF
Gerko Vink Gerko Vink on “Missing data handling in Bayes”,
Peter Schmidt Peter Schmidt on “Approximate measurement invariance in cross-national research with many groups”, PDF
Rianne van dijk Rianne van Dijk on “Applying Bayes to real life data”, PDF
Noémi Schuurman on “So you want to specify an Inverse-Wishart prior distribution?”, PDF
Marieke van Geel on “Multilevel latent class analysis/Multi-state modeling in context of school leadership improvement“, PDF