Dutch Mplus Users Group

Past events

6th Mplus Users Meeting

The sixth Dutch Mplus Users Meeting – @ Utrecht University, The Netherlands – took place at the 21st of July 2014. See below for all abstract and presentations.

Key-note presentation – Errors and biases in Structural Equation Modelling – Jelte Wicherts (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) – abstract – PPT

Detecting and correcting for ERS using nonlinear SEM in Mplus – Meike Morren (VU University Amsterdam) – abstract – PPT

Decomposing State and Trait Variance using Structural Equation Modeling – Eva Zijlmans (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) – abstract – PPT

A theory of causal effects – Rolf Steyer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Germany) – abstract – PPT

Analysis of causal effects with Mplus – Axel Mayer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena, Germany) – abstract – PPT

Bayesian Mixture Modeling – Sarah Depaoli (University of California) – abstract – PPT

Sample size requirements to accurately compare development between unbalanced subgroups in latent growth models. – Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) – abstract – PPT

Priors when to worry? – Rens van de Schoot (Utrecht University, The Netherlands & North-West University, South-Africa) – abstract PPT

Using Alignment optimization in establishing measurement invariance. An illustration with the value scale across countries – Jan Cieciuch & Eldad Davidov (University of Zurich, Switzerland) – abstract – PPT

Testing for measurement bias across large numbers of groups – Suzanne Jak (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) – abstract – PPT

Direct and indirect influences in the use of travel time: insights from UK national travel survey 2002-2010 – Kaveh Jahanshahi (University of Cambridge, UK) – abstract – PPT